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How much tax would a single filer owe in 2024?

For example, a hypothetical single filer would owe 10% on the first $11,600 of taxable income in 2024 whether that amount represents their total earnings, or they earn $1 million. The next tax bracket is 12% of taxable income levels between $11,601 to $47,150. The tax rates continue to increase as someone’s income moves into higher brackets.

How much of my income is taxed?

The following $50,649 of your income (from $44,726 to $95,375) is taxed at the 22% federal tax rate. That leaves $4,627 of your taxable income (the amount over $95,373) that is taxed at the 24% rate for your federal tax bracket.

How do tax rates work for a single taxpayer?

For a single taxpayer, the rates are: on taxable income from . . . up to . . . Here’s how that works for a single person earning $58,000 per year: Find the current tax rates for other filing statuses. See the . See current federal tax brackets and rates based on your income and filing status.

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